Jamie Williams
Certified Practising Speech Pathologist

  • Photo by Jess Newell Photography

    Image by Jess Newell Photography

  • About Jamie

    Jamie has worked as a speech pathologist for 13 years. She has had the privilege of working in a number of different settings including; community health, early intervention and non-government organisations.

    Jamie is the sole speech pathologist at Newcastle Paediatric Speech Pathology (formerly Little Learners Speech Pathology) where she provides feeding and communication support to infants, children and their families. Working together with parents, carers & educators to build confidence, connection, safety & joyful interactions and mealtimes with their little ones, is something Jamie is really passionate about.

    Jamie is a mother of three and has lived experiences about the complexities of family life.

    Jamie is commited to being unbiased in her work and home life. She is passionate about individualised child-led therapy, play, responsive feeding, evidence-based practice, relationship-centred practice and so much more.

  • Love of Learning - Post-Grad Knowledge

    Here is a list of some of the courses & learnings taken by Jamie that are utilised in intervention.


    • The Get Permission Approach to Tube Feeding with Love

    • Advanced Pediatric Feeding Mentorship Group

    • Feeding Difficulties, Where to Start? Two Day Workshop Presented by Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick

    • Supporting Oral Feeding in Fragile Infants: the SOFFI method

    • Effectively Managing Breast, Bottle and Solid Feeding Difficulties in Infants and Children. Presented by Sarah Starr

    • Working Together to Achieve Breast is Best. Presented by Catherine Watson-Genna and Lisa Sandora

    • Infant Feeding Foundations Assessment and Management. Presented by Carly Veness

    • Child of Mine: Feeding with Love and Good Sense, Ellyn Satter

    • Supporting Sucking Skills in Breastfeeding Infants. Catherine Watson Genna

    • STEPS+ Approach to Extreme Picky Eating

    • Cervical Auscultation for Infants, Children and Adults with Dysphagia: A Practical Workshop. Presented by Julie Cichero

    • The Responsive Feeding Conference: A Therapy Model Across the Lifespan

    • Picky Eaters vs Problem Feeders: The SOS Approach to Feeding 3 day workshop

    • SOS Approach to Feeding: Feeding the 6-16 Month Old Child & Food Scientist Model (SOS Approach to Feeding Adaptation for the School Aged Child)

    • Baby Led Weaning & The Satter Models

    • Untying Ankyloglossia – From Infancy and Beyond. Presented by Bobbi Ghaheri and Lisa Lahey

    • Beyond the Crib: Feeding Interventions for Infants Under 6 months. Presented by Raquel Garcia

    • Breastfeeding strategies for the tongue tied baby, differential tongue tie assessment skills, tongue tie/frenotomy and breastfeeding. Presented by Catherine Watson-Genna

    • Feeding Therapy, A Sensory Motor Approach, Talk Tools

    • Food Chaining, Cheri Fraker

    Relationship & Therapeutic Relationship Tools

    • Mental Health First Aid

    • The Coach Approach

    • Circle of Security Parenting Facilitator

    • Working With Children Who Have Experienced Attachment Trauma. Presented by Tim Hawes

    Communication, Language & Speech

    • A View From The Floor, Introductory DIR/Floortime Training

    • Key Word Sign – Basic Workshop

    • It Takes Two To Talk, The Hanen Program for Parents

    • More Than Words, Hanen

    • PODD (Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display) Communication

    • PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System)

    • LAMP

    • Working with Children with Autism, Introductory & Advanced Workshop, Connect Therapy

    • Emergent Literacy: What can Speech Pathologists do to help preschool-aged children, their families and their preschools. Presented by Ros Neilson

    • Speech Sound Disorders: The Basics and Beyond. Presented by Caroline Bowen

    • Apraxia Differential Diagnosis & Treatment. Presented by Cari Ebert